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How to Clean a Salt Cell

The saltwater generator basically consists of a control box and a salt cell. The salt cell has metal plates connected to the control box. The control box sends an electrical charge to the plates which creates chlorine through a process called electrolysis. As pool water passes through the salt cell, the salt in the water is turned into hypochlorous acid and sodium hypochlorite. These are the components produced when any chlorine is added to pool water; whether it be tablets, granular or liquid.

Calcium is naturally attracted to the electrically charged plates of the salt cell, and when they build up too much, it blocks the ability for electrolysis to occur. Over time, too much build-up on the salt cell can permanently damage the coatings on the plates, leading to cell failure.

When minerals and calcium builds up on the plates of the salt cell it will need to be cleaned.

To make a cleaning solution mix 1 part Hydrochloric Acid to 9 parts water (always add the Hydrochloric Acid to water not the other way round).

Turn the filtration system off. Remove the Salt Cell from the housing. Add the salt cell to the cleaning solution making sure there is no contact with the terminals. Allow the salt cell to soak for 5-10 min. Once the salt cell is clean rinse with fresh water and place back in the housing and tighten the collar. Turn the system back to automatic timer.

Warning: When handling hydrochloric acid, the use of eye protection, mask and gloves are highly recommended. Extreme caution should be taken whenever handling hydrochloric acid.